Proteomics Research
Proteomics refers to the systematic identification and quantification of the complement of proteins of a biological system at a specific point in time. Mass spectrometry is the technique most often used for proteomic analysis.

The UCSF Sandler-Moore Mass Spectrometry Core Facility is a designated and enabling technology center that serves as a mass spectrometry resource for the UCSF proteomics research community. The Core offers a variety of services for protein identification and quantification.

The Core's goal are two-fold:

  • Provide mass spectrometry service through collaborative and fee-for-service venues.
  • Provide mass spectrometry education through lectures, seminars, electronic media, and participation in formal university courses.

Contact us for a consultation

UCSF Sandler-Moore Mass Spectrometry Core Facility
513 Parnassus Ave.
Medical Sciences S880
San Francisco, CA 94143
Lab: 415-502-7502
[email protected]